Network Advisor Q
Our Promise:
We will make I.T. simple …
We will make I.T. affordable …
We will make I.T. less stressful …
Our Goals:
To provide the best quality service and products that fit our client’s needs.
To reduce the overhead cost of having technology, its management and care.
To give fair and reasonable pricing to small businesses, home-base business, residential and non-profit companies and organizations.
When Network Advisor Q started on its journey 1 year ago, we made an absolute promise to ourselves and our clients, we will not become a cookie cutter, big box provider. We want to keep it personal, keep it simple, keep it low cost and above all provide only what clients want and need to run a successful and profitable business in today’s computer age.
Yes, there are difficulties and hurdles along they way to be able to mesh a client needs and wants with the technology they can afford, however in the end a good provider will find the balance for each client. We find it is better to have a client be able to profit and afford the luxuries of technology then struggle, falter, and possibly fail because the strain of up-keep costs for high priced technology and unreliable services for their company.
Network Advisor Q wanted a better relationship with our clients then a paycheck. We decided that we can work within a company’s budget, providing affordable products that are needed, providing great services, and servicing each company as an individual vs. a boxed solution. This allows each company to grow as fast or a slow as needed allowing the technology to conform correctly within the company.
On our anniversary we give thanks to those companies and vendors that want a change from the standard I.T. company, choose to work with us, choose to become our clients and chose to stay. We welcome any other company, anytime to come see what we can provide for them, while working with them to grow.
How we choose to work and who we work with not only provides a good foundation for future growth but allows both companies to grow together relying on the strength of each other in an unsure economic future. There will always be a need for some technology in business, how a company manages I.T. and cares for it will determine the success of its integration into the workflow.
At Network Advisor Q, quality is not dictated by price, Quality is in our ability to maintain and care for a client and or company in the best way possible easing the burden of overhead cost for those products or services while still giving 100% support.
Network Advisor Q knows without you, there is no us.
Again, Thank You for letting us support you.
Steve C. & Support Staff
Network Advisor Q